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The fiber v2 router is supported by Gleece's routes generator.

Set Router Engine

In the Gleece configuration (usually gleece.config.json), set the routesConfig->engine to fiber.

Configure Security Function

In the Gleece configuration, set the full package path in routesConfig->authorizationConfig->authFileFullPackageName (e.g.,

Generate Routes File

Gleece CLI will generate a routes file from your annotated controllers. The output file path is specified in the routesConfig->outputPath property of your Gleece configuration file.

Import and Register Routes

In your main.go file, import the generated routes file and call the RegisterRoutes function to register the routes with the Fiber router instance.

Routing Example

package main

import (
"<package>/routes" // Import the generated routes file

func main() {
// Create a Fiber app
app := fiber.New()

// Register Gleece routes

// Start the server

Authentication Function

package security

import (

func GleeceRequestAuthorization(ctx *fiber.Ctx, check runtime.SecurityCheck) *runtime.SecurityError {
return nil