📄️ Routing
Gleece is designed to minimize HTTP routing boilerplate code, allowing developers to focus on business logic.
📄️ Specification
One of Gleece's powerful features is its automatic OpenAPI specification generation directly from your codebase.
📄️ Authorization
Gleece handles security on both sides: the declaration of required security and scope, which is defined by the Security annotation, and the processing of the check itself through a supplied check function that will be called once a request arrives.
📄️ Error Handling
Each route function must declare a return type of error. If there is no response payload, error will be the only return type. If there is a payload response, error will be the second and last return type.
📄️ Payload Validation
Input validation is simplified by Gleece using go-playground/validator v10 format.
📄️ Middlewares
Gleece provides middleware support for request processing.