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Configuration File

The Gleece configuration file, usually named gleece.config.json, contains all the mandatory and available configurations and options to customize the code and specification generator.

Below are all the options with comments explaining each property:

"commonConfig": { // Mandatory
"controllerGlobs": [ // Mandatory with minimum one path - These paths are the directories/files where Gleece will search for controllers and types/structs. Defining controllers/types outside these paths will result in them being ignored or cause build errors. In this example, it will search in the entire codebase.
"routesConfig": { // Mandatory
"engine": "gin", // Mandatory - The router engine to generate routes for. Available options: "gin", "echo", "mux", "chi", "fiber"
"packageName": "<package name>", // Optional - Set the package name of the generated routes. Default is "routes"
"outputPath": "./routes/gleece.routes.go", // Mandatory - The path of the generated routes
"outputFilePerms": "0644", // Optional - Set Linux permissions for the generated routes go file
"authorizationConfig": { // Mandatory
"authFileFullPackageName": "<package>", // Mandatory - The package where the authorization function "GleeceRequestAuthorization" is implemented (e.g.
"enforceSecurityOnAllRoutes": true // Optional - Enforce during generation time that every route has at least one direct/inherited security annotation
"templateExtensions": { // Optional - Extend routes templates. Key is the extension name and value is the path of the template extension
"RouteEndRoutesExtension": "./end.route.extension.hbs"
"templateOverrides": { // Optional - *Override* and replace selected engine templates. Key is the template name and value is the path of the custom template
"ResponseHeaders": "./gin.custom.response.headers.hbs"
"openapiGeneratorConfig": { // Mandatory
"openapi": "3.0.0", // Mandatory - The OpenAPI specification version to generate. Available options: "3.0.0", "3.1.0"
"info": { // Mandatory - Metadata that will be added to the generated specification
"title": "Sample API", // Mandatory
"description": "This is a sample API", // Optional
"termsOfService": "", // Optional
"contact": { // Optional
"name": "API Support", // Optional
"url": "", // Optional
"email": "" // Mandatory
"license": { // Optional
"name": "Apache 2.0", // Optional
"url": "" // Mandatory
"version": "1.0.0" // Mandatory - The API project version (it's the project's API version, not OpenAPI spec version)
"baseUrl": "", // Mandatory
"securitySchemes": [ // Optional - The security schema in the API, will be exposed to the OpenAPI specification AND the "name" will be used in the routes Security annotation
"description": "API Key for accessing the API", // Mandatory
"name": "securitySchemaName", // Mandatory - The name of the Security schema, this field will be used in the relevant Security annotations
"fieldName": "x-header-name", // Mandatory - The name of the field in the HTTP request
"type": "apiKey", // Mandatory - The type of authorization, see OpenAPI spec for options
"in": "header" // Mandatory - Where the authentication data will be held - see OpenAPI spec for options
"defaultSecurity": { // Optional - The default security to set for routes without a security annotation on the route or the controller. Used as a fallback
"name": "securitySchemaName", // Mandatory - A security schema name (defined in securitySchemes) to be used as default
"scopes": [ // Mandatory - Collection of the scopes to be used as default
"specGeneratorConfig": { // Mandatory
"outputPath": "./dist/openapi.json" // Mandatory - The path of the generated OpenAPI specification file