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VS Code

Gleece uses Golang comments for annotating controllers and routes.

The Gleece VS Code extension is designed to improve development experience by providing intelligent annotation support.

It parses your gleece.config.json configuration file, analyzes and highlights annotations in real-time, and provides immediate feedback for any potential issues.


  • Syntax Highlighting: Improved readability of Gleece-specific elements
  • Real-time Processing: Instant visual feedback as you write
  • Warning & Error Indicators: Real-time markers and tips
  • Documentation Tooltips: Instant documentation on hover for Gleece elements
  • Parameter Hints: Function parameter information and suggestions
  • Code Actions: Quick fixes and refactoring suggestions

Visual Preview

Gleece Extension in Action Example showing annotation highlighting and validation features

Quick Start

  1. Launch VS Code and open the Extensions sidebar (Ctrl+Shift+X / Cmd+Shift+X)
  2. Search for Gleece in the marketplace
  3. Click Install to add the extension to your environment

For more details and updates, visit the VS Code Marketplace.

Extension Configuration

You can configure the Gleece extension, same as any other extension in VS Code.

Open VS Code settings and search for gleece.

Then you can change the Gleece config file path, change analysis mode, etc.