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Payload Validation

Input validation is simplified by Gleece using go-playground/validator v10 format.

Gleece passes validation rules to the go-playground/validator engine during request processing, exposes them in the OpenAPI v3 specification (where supported), and returns a 422 status code if validation fails.


Explore the full validation options in the go-playground/validator documentation.

Validating Struct Fields

Validation rules follow the standard convention of the go-playground validator.

// @Description User's domicile
type Domicile struct {
Address string `json:"address" validate:"required"`
// @Description The number of the house (must be at least 1)
HouseNumber int `json:"houseNumber" validate:"gte=1"`
  • validate:"required" ensures the Address field is mandatory.
  • validate:"gte=1" ensures the HouseNumber field has a value of at least 1.

Validating REST Parameters (Query, Header, etc.)

Validation rules are defined using the validate annotation option.

// @Description Create a new user
// @Method(POST)
// @Route(/user/{user_name})
// @Path(name, { name: "user_name", validate: "require" }) The user's name
// @Query(email, { validate: "required,email" }) The user's email
// @Body(domicile) The user's domicile info
// @Header(origin, { name: "x-origin" }) The request origin
// @Header(trace) The trace info
// @Response(200) The ID of the newly created user
// @ErrorResponse(500) The error when process failed
// @Security(ApiKeyAuth, { scopes: ["read:users", "write:users"] })
func (ec *UserController) CreateNewUser(email string, name string, domicile Domicile, origin string, trace string) (string, error) {
// Do the logic....
userId := uuid.New()
return userId.String(), nil
  • validate: "required" in @Path ensures the path parameter is mandatory
  • validate: "required,email" in @Query ensures:
    • The email query parameter is mandatory
    • The value must be in a valid email format

For REST parameters, non-pointer values are always considered mandatory, regardless of the validate content. Path parameters are always mandatory as per the OpenAPI specification (a missing path results in a 404 error).

Custom Validators

Gleece supports custom validators in a manner similar to go-playground/validator.


Custom validators only affect runtime validation and are not reflected in the OpenAPI specification.

To create a custom validator, implement Gleece's runtime.ValidationFunc interface and register it using the generated code API's RegisterCustomValidator function.

package main

import (

gleeceRoutes "<package>"


// Custom validation function to check if a string starts with a letter
func ValidateStartsWithLetter(fl runtime.ValidationFieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field().String()
if field == "" {
return false
firstChar := rune(field[0])
return unicode.IsLetter(firstChar)

func main() {
// Create a default Gin router
router := gin.Default()

// Register the `ValidateStartsWithLetter` custom validator
gleeceRoutes.RegisterCustomValidator("validate_starts_with_letter", ValidateStartsWithLetter)

// Register the routes from the generated code

// Start the server on port 8080

After registration, the validate_starts_with_letter validator becomes active across all API requests.