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Gleece provides middleware support for request processing.

Middleware events can be triggered at three points:

  • Before the operation/function execution: beforeOperation
  • After successful operation completion: afterOperationSuccess
  • After operation failure: onOperationError

Each middleware receives the router's context (specific to the engine in use). For onOperationError events, the middleware also receives the error instance.

The middleware returns a boolean value that determines whether to continue execution (true) or abort it (false). Typically, execution is aborted when the response is handled within the middleware function.

Implementing Middleware

// For Gin
func MyMiddleware(ctx *gin.Context) bool {
return true

// For Echo
func MyMiddleware(ctx echo.Context) bool {
return true

// For Fiber
func MyMiddleware(ctx *fiber.Ctx) bool {
return true

// For Gorilla Mux & Chi
func MyMiddleware(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) bool {
return true

And similarly for errors middlewares:

// For Gin
func MyErrorMiddleware(ctx *gin.Context, err error) bool {
return true

// For Echo
func MyErrorMiddleware(c echo.Context, err error) bool {
return true

// For Gorilla Mux & Chi
func MyErrorMiddleware(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) bool {
return true

// For Fiber
func MyErrorMiddleware(ctx *fiber.Ctx, err error) bool {
return true

Registering Middleware

Use the generated code's RegisterMiddleware / RegisterErrorMiddleware API to register your middleware functions.


package main

import (

gleeceRoutes "<package>"


func LogBeforeOperationMiddleware(ctx *gin.Context) bool {
println("Method:", ctx.Request.Method, "Path:", ctx.Request.URL.Path, "arrived")
return true

func LogAfterOperationSuccessMiddleware(ctx *gin.Context) bool {
println("Method:", ctx.Request.Method, "Path:", ctx.Request.URL.Path, "completed")
return true

func LogOnErrorMiddleware(ctx *gin.Context, err error) bool {
println("Method:", ctx.Request.Method, "Path:", ctx.Request.URL.Path, "failed with error:", err.Error())
return true

func main() {
// Create a default Gin router
router := gin.Default()

// Register the middlewares
gleeceRoutes.RegisterMiddleware(runtime.BeforeOperation, LogBeforeOperationMiddleware)
gleeceRoutes.RegisterMiddleware(runtime.AfterOperationSuccess, LogAfterOperationSuccessMiddleware)
gleeceRoutes.RegisterErrorMiddleware(runtime.OnOperationError, LogOnErrorMiddleware)

// Register the routes from the generated code

// Start the server on port 8080

You can register any number of middleware functions. They will be executed in the order of registration.

When a middleware returns false, it halts the execution chain, preventing any remaining middleware from running.