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Error Handling

Each route function must declare a return type of error. If there is no response payload, error will be the only return type. If there is a payload response, error will be the second and last return type.

The returned error, whether it's the default or custom, must NOT be a pointer.

When an error is returned as non-nil, the operation will be considered failed, and the error will be formatted according to rfc7807.

For example, this route function logic:

// @Method(GET)
// @Route(/default-error)
func (ec *MyController) DefaultError() error {
return fmt.Errorf("default error")

Will be formatted to:


"type":"Internal Server Error",
"detail":"Encountered an error during operation 'DefaultError'",
"error":"default error"


Custom HTTP Error

To override the default error format, define your own error struct and set whatever properties you like:

For example:

type CustomError struct {
Message string `json:"message"`

// @Method(GET)
// @Route(/custom-error)
func (mc *MyController) CustomError() CustomError {
return CustomError{
Message: "custom error",

Will be formatted to:

"message" : "custom error"

Custom HTTP error response code

By default, any error is returned with a 500 HTTP error code. To set a different code, use the SetStatus API.

For example:

// @Method(GET)
// @Route(/default-error)
func (mc *MyController) DefaultError() error {
return fmt.Errorf("default error")

Will return a 501 HTTP response code.